3 Dog Breeds To Avoid As Pets If You Have Other Small Animals In The House

Many dog breeds work just fine with other pets, but there are those that will see a fluffy kitty,  docile bunny, or even a little hamster as more of  chew toy or target of prey as anything else. If you are planning to bring home  new dog and you already have other small pets in the house, the last thing you want is to discover the two don't get along and your smaller pet is in danger. As a safety precaution, there are a few dog breeds you should know right off the bat that may not fare well at all with your other small critters at home.

Beagle Hounds

Beagles have been a prized dog breed among pet owners for a long time. While it is true that these dogs have a fairly even temperament and make great family dogs, sometimes they do not go well with other small animals in the house. Beagles were initially bred as hunting hounds, and are still used as hunting dogs today, especially in rabbit and squirrel hunts. Therefore, if you have a small animal running loose in your home, whether it is a pet bunny, ferret, or cat, your beagle hound could easily just have it in his nature to see that other pet as prey.

Border Collies

Border collies are hailed as being some of the smartest dog breeds around and they are an incredibly devoted pet. However, these dogs also have a high prey drive. Border collies are often used in agricultural settings to protect and gather herds of cattle or sheep. Therefore, they are known to go after animals they suspect could pose a threat, such as a fox or raccoon. Inside the house, they could show the same behavior toward other small animals, especially if they feel you or your children are at risk because the animal is around. For example, if you have a cat and the cat suddenly jumps at you, the border collie could assume you are in danger and attack the playful cat.

Jack Russell Terriers

This adorable dog is small in stature, and is often preferred as an indoor pet. However, Jack Russell Terriers don't always work well with smaller pets. These active dogs have it in their nature to chase and catch, as they are the ideal size to zip through brush and into small spaces to go after prey during hunts. While in some cases, this terrier breed will do fine if it grows up with a smaller pet, such as a cat or guinea pig, a sudden introduction can lead to an all-out game of chase-and-catch, and it may not end well for your smaller pet.

For more pet behavior tips, contact a company like Animal Emergency Clinic.
